Creating Personalizations
Steps for creating personalizations
Step 1: Go to Ad Connect Page and click on "Create Ad Connect Campaign" Button
Step 2: Enter the landing page URL which you want to personalize
Upon entering the URL we fetch all the ads and their associated campaign and ad groups data. You can now start personalizing variations for each ad
Working with Search, Display and Video Ads
Fibr supports the personalization for Search, Display and Video Ads.
For Search ads you can personalize the landing page for each keyword. We fetch the ads and keywords associated in the respective ad group and create ad-keyword combinations. This allows you, the marketer, to serve relevant content on the landing page for each search term that your potential customers use.
Similarly for Display and Video ads as well we create such combinations (or in case of no keywords, simply create a single personalized variation of landing page) for you to personalize.
Automated Audience Creation
The best part about Ad Connect is that you don't have to worry about defining audience qualification rules on the Fibr dashboard.
We fetch the tracking templates and the final URL suffix from your Google Ads account and create a unique audience qualifying criteria for each ad-keyword combination that you personalize.
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